Our Quest

Here at Boxer, we are designers, innovators, creators, and manufacturers of unique, original and quality gift ideas. We want all gifts to create an impact. Gifts should be fun wild, quirky, interesting and above all, better than before!
Established in 1982, we set out on our quest to Slay the Mundane and make gifting fun again. In 2022 we celebrated the 40 year anniversary of our mission and despite difficult times for retailing, we have continued to grow from strength to strength. We salute you, the brave and noble retailer, for joining us on our quest and we hope you reap the benefits of our continued innovation.

We Will Continue To Produce Great Gifts
› We take risks and we can be wild & that makes us interesting.
› We'll be there first. We’re going to have better lines & sooner than the lazy old wannabes out there.
› We add value and produce quality. Label slap isn't us. Our gifts will be willingly received. Alchemy expected.

We Will Continue To Provide Outstanding Service
› We give best service to our customers because it’s the norm, we do it everyday.
› We will be 2 steps better than the rest.

We Will Always Strive For Long Term Gains
› We look for Long Term Gains, as they beat short term pains every-time

We Will Continue To Help Drive Our Own & Our Customers Profit
› We want to make a profit and want our customers and suppliers to do so too.
› We do this by producing better selling lines for less cash. These savings are passed on to our valued customers.
› Worlds cannot be changed at a loss.
This Is Us
In pursuit of our “Prize” we continue to take risks, we push boundaries and we get it wrong! However- we are not boring and we take our own less well trodden path. Leading our market by being first with quirky new ideas and fresh, interesting concepts. We (and our customers) want to make waves, be irreverent, be interesting and be different, which can scare even ourselves along the way but ultimately, we will be true to ourselves, our brand and to our customers.
Together we will Slay the Mundane.
Thomas O’Brien
President of Boxer | Chief of the Fun Mechanics | Slayer of the Mundane